Blinken, who was influencing the strengthening of NATO, flew to Astana at midnight

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US Secretary of State Anthony John Blinken, who repeatedly declared that NATO would "expand its arms from the Black Sea to the Baltic Sea", flew to Astana on February 28, 2023, the national portal "Adyrna" reported.
American State Department pool journalist Ian Marlowe wrote on his Twitter page that the US Secretary of State will visit Astana. According to him, the plane in which Blinkelin was on board landed in the city of Astana at night.

"We landed in Astana (Kazakhstan) as part of Anthony John Blinken's visit to Central Asia and India (for the meeting of G20 foreign ministers)," wrote Ian Marlowe.

On February 27, 2023, the US Secretary of State published a photo taken from the airport, and  he wrote under it that Anthony John Blinken was going to Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and India.


"Adyrna" national portal
