Kazakhstan and the USA discussed cooperation in the field of energy

Adyrna.kz Telegram

On January 24, Yerzhan Kazykhan, the special representative of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on international cooperation, met with national security adviser Jake Sullivan in Washington. This was announced by the press service of the White House, the reporter of "Adyrna" reported.

At the meeting, the United States and Kazakhstan confirmed that they support the principles of the UN Charter, including the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states.

In addition, the parties discussed strategic partnership between the two countries and cooperation on key bilateral and regional issues such as energy security.

In addition, in a joint statement, the Americans noted that the US supports President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev's efforts to improve the transparency and accountability of public administration in Kazakhstan.

It should be noted that today representatives of the Kazakh and American delegations will hold the second meeting of the Commission on Human Rights and Democratic Reform.

The first meeting took place in April 2022 in Astana. The parties discussed civil society, freedom of religion, strengthening the judicial system and political reform in Kazakhstan.
