Candidates for the presidency started the election campaign

2027 Telegram

The republican headquarters of the candidates for the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan was opened and they started campaigning in the country. 6 candidates such as Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev, Zhiguli Dayrabayev, Nurlan Auesbayev, Saltanat Tursynbekova, Meiram Kazhiken, Karakat Abden discussed their concrete steps in the election campaign. In addition, the candidates set the goals and objectives for the campaign. This was reported by the "Adyrna" national portal.

On October 21, at 18.00, the Republican Public Headquarters for the support of Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev, the candidate for the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, started a propaganda campaign in all regions of the country. Activists of the People's Coalition have started distributing propaganda printed materials and publishing informational materials in mass media and social networks in all regions of the country.

The first meeting of the Republican public headquarters will be held tomorrow. In addition, from next week, the members of the RKSH will go to the regions to meet with the voters.
