Military training has started in Tajikistan

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The joint training exercise "Border-2022" with the units of the collective rapid deployment forces of the Central Asian region began at the "Harbmaidon" training ground of Tajikistan. This was announced by the Ministry of Defense, the national portal "Adyrna" reported.

"In the first stage, preparations are being made for a joint operation of collective action forces to destroy illegal weapons in mountainous areas. In the second stage, the issues of unit management, blocking and elimination of combat groups will be worked out, and combat and special operations will be conducted to restore the situation on the state border," the report said.

Also, a unit of Airborne assault troops was mobilized from Kazakhstan under the leadership of the first deputy commander of the troops of the "Astana" regional command - the chief of staff, Colonel Baglan Userbayev. The decisive stage of the exercise will be held on October 20-21 at the Harbmaidon training ground.
