A scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 280th anniversary of Syrym Datuly was held in Orals

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In ZKU named after M. Otemisuly, scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 280th anniversary of Syrym Datuly took place . Deputy Mayor of the region Bakytzhan Narymbetov noted that in the region there was a district named after the Kazakh hero, where various events dedicated to the holiday took place.

Sirym Datuly, the leader of the national liberation movement, was the first representative of the elite who defended the interests of ordinary Kazakhs.

- We must always remember at what price we got our independence, we are in unpaid debt to the heroes of the past years. Kazakh writer Jardem Tleshov praised the feat of the hero in his legend "Syrim Batyr", where he accurately conveyed the fighting spirit of the glorious son of the Kazakh steppe, B. Narymbetov noted.

The famous local historian Zhaisan Akbai attached great importance to the conference dedicated to Syrim Datuly, noting that the national hero deserved attention not only as a native of Mladshego zhuz, but also as a Kazakh hero who fought until his last breath for the liberation of his homeland from colonial oppression. National Liberation Movement under the leadership of S. Datuly lasted from 1742 to 1748.

- Since childhood, I knew about the national liberation movement of the legendary hero from the old residents of Syrym district, my small homeland. Historians had the opportunity to study the history of the region only in 1986. Many scientists were subjected to repressions and they were accused of chauvinism only for studying the national liberation struggle of the Kazakh people. The writer Kazhygali Muhambetkaliyev is one of those patriots who was passionate about the future of the Kazakh people and, despite the bureaucratic obstacles, described the true history of Kazakhstan. We have already done a lot to perpetuate the name of the national hero. A monument was built on the prospect, the district is named after him, and the great merit of this is public figure S. Abduldina. I am glad that Tulegen Turegaliev, the district governor, attaches great importance to such events, contributing to the prosperity of his native region. Sirym Datuly is a famous critic not only of the Pre-Urals, but also of the entire Kazakh people. It is necessary to pay tribute to the scholar-historian M. Sdykov, who led the expedition to Karakalpakstan in search of the burial of the legendary person, - said Zh. Akbay.

Doctor of historical sciences, teacher of Atyrau University, expressed his opinion. H. Dosmukhamedova Akkali Ahmet. The scientist supported the idea that Syrym Datuly deserved attention not only as a fighter against autocracy, but also as a spokesman for independence. The writer G. Karash, H. Dosmukhamedov from Alashordin paid a lot of attention to the irreconcilable struggle between Syrym and Khan Nurali. The writer S. Mukanov gave high praise to the national-liberation movement of Kazakhs of Mladshego zhuz. During the Great Patriotic War in Austria, the opera production "Syrym Datuly" was held at the Vienna Theater. G. Musrepov, who created the historical drama "Bequest to Descendants" was also considered an extraordinary person.

