Lukashenko banned raising prices in Belarus

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A special working group will be created to monitor prices.
President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has ordered a ban on price increases in the country. It will come into force on October 6, BelTA informs.

During the meeting with the economic block on inflation, the most pressing issues related to inflation and rising prices were raised. Alexander Lukashenko severely criticized responsible officials for insufficient control and activity in this area, and also ordered to ensure fair pricing in all market segments for a wide range of products.

“From the 6th, any increase in prices is prohibited. some number, some calculations, recalculations,” Aleksandr Lukashenko added.

According to the President of Belarus, exceptions are possible when regulating prices, but such decisions will be made by responsible persons - the Minister of Trade, the chairmen of the regional executive committee and the Minsk City Executive Committee. Lukashenka warned that against this background, attempts to leave the market should not be allowed.

The President of Belarus instructed to monitor the implementation of the order, first of all, to the Prosecutor General and the Chairman of the State Control Committee, taking tough measures in response to violators.

"Immediate detention and a criminal case. It is the prosecutor with the state control committee who will determine what to do. All along the vertical - who committed the violation of the order established by me and who contributed to this or who" slapped ", - said the head of Belarus.

Alexander Lukashenko instructed Chairwoman of the Council of the Republic Natalya Kochanova, heading a group of other responsible persons, to promptly submit proposals to the government on measures to regulate prices in Belarus.

“Involve any specialists, but work them out. And submit response measures to the government, measures to regulate prices in the country. By October 20, 2022, the government must make a decision at the suggestion of this group,” Aleksandr Lukashenko summed up.
