The supply of water to settlements in the outskirts of Kyzylorda is developing

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In the Kyzylorda region, beautification and landscaping works are in the main focus. Today, despite the fact that the Syrdarya river and the Onzhaga main canal pass, the level of water coverage in the center of the region is only 30-35 percent.

Today, the city has a canal system with a length of 54.6 kilometers. Necessary funds are provided for maintenance of pumps for irrigation of green plantations.

In addition, in order to supply the city of Kyzylorda with drinking water, maintenance and operation of the "Silk Road" and "Kyzylzharma" canals, as well as ensuring their safety, are under constant attention. In the near future, about 40,000 people and 8,000 residents of Kyzylzharma rural district are expected to be covered with water through the 13.8-kilometer-long "Kyzylzharma" canal with ditch systems in KPI, Kommunizm, Shanghai, and Gagarin districts.
