They gave 90 million tenge: the residents of SKO were deceived that they would get cheap sugar

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"Adyrna" portal reports that the swindler, who cheated people by selling cheap sugar in SKO, pocketed 90 millions tenge.

According to the press service of the SKO Police Department, the fraudster introduced himself as a wholesaler and said that he sells sugar at a much lower price than the market price. He asked citizens to pay in advance and said that they could get the goods only after that. Believing in this, about 100 residents of the cities of Ust-Kamenogorsk and Ridder sent money from 5 thousand to 4 millions tenge to the woman's account. And the swindler who carried out the dirty game went missing.

"So many people have been deceived in one week. The total amount of damage caused to them is 90 millions tenge. A 29-year-old woman living in Ust-Kamenogorsk was arrested as a suspect. According to Article 190, Part 3 (Fraud) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, pre-trial investigations are being conducted on this fact," said Tatiana Karpova, head of the department's press service.
