An American Author Published the Novel “Akmaral”

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The novel Akmaral by American author Judith Lindbergh was published by Regal House Publishing, according to a report by Egemen Qazaqstan as cited by the national portal Adyrna.

The novel depicts the life of a warrior woman from a nomadic tribe in ancient Central Asia. The book is currently available in bookstores across the United States and has garnered the attention of literary critics overseas due to its unique storyline and fresh perspective.

Akmaral is set in the 5th century BCE and tells the story of a nomadic female warrior who lived on the Central Asian steppe. The novel is inspired by archaeological findings, including the “Golden Man” discovered in Esik, Kazakhstan, and the Siberian Ice Maiden found in Tuva.

“I was deeply fascinated by this subject. I also researched the accounts of Greek historian Herodotus about the Amazons who participated in the Trojan War. Before starting this book, I delved into history, the vast plains of Central Asia, and its culture as part of my creative exploration. While writing, I aimed to understand the traditional lifestyle of the nomads, which was based on animal husbandry and hunting. My goal was to showcase this forgotten ancient culture within the broader chronology of human history,” the author shared in an interview with Egemen Qazaqstan.

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