In 2024, 365.9 thousand babies were born in Kazakhstan. This is a decrease compared to 388.4 thousand births in 2023, reports the national portal Adyrna, citing the National Bureau of Statistics.
Of the newborns, 51.6% were boys, and 48.4% were girls. In urban areas, 219.1 thousand children were born (59.9%), while rural areas saw 146.7 thousand births (40.1%).
The general birth rate was 18.15 per 1,000 people, down from 19.52 in 2023.
The highest birth rates were recorded in Turkistan Region (24.88), Mangystau Region (24.29), and Shymkent City (23.58).
Regarding maternal age, 27.5% of newborns were born to mothers aged 25-29, and 26.2% to mothers aged 30-34. Girls under 20 gave birth to 11.9 thousand babies, while women over 50 had 100 children. The average maternal age in 2024 was 29.8 years.
Among the newborns, 23% (84.2 thousand) were firstborns, while more than 60 thousand (16.4%) were the fourth child in their families. Additionally, 3,721 twins and 46 triplets were born throughout the year.