I believe that we will create a just Kazakhstan together - Tokayev

Adyrna.kz Telegram

Head of State Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev congratulated the people of Kazakhstan on the Constitution Day, reported "Adyrna" reporter.

"The Constitution is a solid foundation of our statehood, an unshakable guarantee of consistent and stable development of our country.

The Constitution, which defines the basis of the life of the state and society, pays special attention to the interests, rights and freedoms of citizens. Therefore, the goal of all large-scale changes implemented in Kazakhstan is to improve the welfare of the people," he said.

The President noted that as a result of the 2022 constitutional reform, the comprehensive democratization process has begun.

"Conditions have been created for modernizing the political system. The status of law enforcement institutions and the Human Rights Commissioner has been raised. A Constitutional Court was also established. This institution now exerts maximum influence on establishing the rule of law in the country.

The role of the Constitution in ensuring law and order, which is the pillar of a just and prosperous society, has strengthened.

Citizens respect our basic law and strictly fulfill its requirements - a clear manifestation of true patriotism and high responsibility. I firmly believe that we will build a just Kazakhstan together, which will give equal opportunities to everyone, based on the cherished values ​​established in the Constitution. I wish every family a garden and full success!" added Kasym-Zhomart Kemeluly.
