The grandfather of ketchup is Henry John Heinz

2055 Telegram

Henry John Heinz is an American businessman, the father of ketchup, "H.J. Founder of Heinz Corporation. He is an innovator who could not stand competition in the market, a chef who introduced the magic of the kitchen.

Henry John Heinz was born into a German family in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on October 11, 1844. Henry Heinz, the firstborn of the house, spent most of his childhood not on the playground, but on the small farm next door. From the age of 8, he learned to mash parsley (a vegetable added to food), pickle mushrooms, pickle cucumbers and sell them to his neighbors and fellow villagers. Born into an entrepreneur, Henry at the age of 12 used to harvest produce from a 3.5-acre (14,000 square meter) farm and deliver it to grocery stores in the city. Although his parents wanted Henry to become a priest, fate diverted his path to a different channel. Thanks to the 2,400 dollars he saved before the age of 17, he graduated from a business college and became an accountant. After that, he worked in his father's brick factory for a short time, but Henry Heinz could not break away from the vegetable business.
