Three new committees were established in Kazakhstan

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Three new committees were established in the Ministry of Justice. This was announced by the official website of the ministry, the national portal "Adyrna" reported.

Intellectual Property Rights, Enforcement, Registration Services and Legal Services Organization Committees improve regulation and service delivery in these areas.

For example, the intellectual property rights committee deals with issues of protection and preservation of intellectual property rights while developing creativity and innovation. This paves the way for effective management of patents and copyrights, as well as the development of science, technology and culture.

The Compulsory Enforcement Committee gives priority to maintaining the legality of the actions of bailiffs, prompt restoration of violated rights of citizens, as well as modernization of enforcement proceedings.

And the registration service and legal services organization committee oversees the field of registration of legal entities, rights to real estate and acts of civil status, regulation of notary and advocacy services, and the quality of legal assistance.
