Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan will create a joint venture in the railway sector

Adyrna.kz Telegram

Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan will create a joint venture in the railway sector. This was announced today, April 5, during the informal meeting of Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev in the city of Khiva, "Adyrna" correspondent reported.

"The leaders of the two countries expressed their support for the initiative to establish a joint venture between the railway administrations of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan to strengthen mutual cooperation in the region. The purpose of creating this joint venture is to use the cargo terminals on the Kazakh-Chinese border and in Uzbekistan on a mutually beneficial basis to organize cargo transportation in the China-Kazakhstan-Uzbekistan direction," the report said.

This project will stimulate bilateral trade and increase the volume of goods transportation, as well as create favorable conditions for increasing cargo transportation in the southern direction.

The joint venture will be focused on the development of the Trans-Afghan route.
