Less than 2 months left: the Ministry of Internal Affairs warned the citizens of Kazakhstan

Adyrna.kz Telegram
Фото: kolesa.kz
Фото: kolesa.kz

According to the instructions of the head of state, from January 23 to June 30, the Ministry of Internal Affairs accepted applications for the legalization of foreign cars imported to our country until September 1, 2022, reports the national portal "Adyrna" with reference to the information of the department.
Vehicles brought to our country after September 1, 2022 are not subject to legalization. In total, more than 237,000 foreign cars were legalized.

"Taking into account one-time legalization, we inform car owners that applications for legalization submitted before July 1, 2023 will be considered only until December 31. Today, appropriate changes are being made to normative legal acts. That is, less than two months left for the legalization of foreign cars. Taking into account the limited time, we invite car owners to complete the legalization process and register their vehicles," said Altynbek Zhamaliyev, deputy head of the Department of Internal Affairs and Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

"Adyrna" national portal
