Oil production at Kashagan will be suspended

Adyrna.kz Telegram

From June 1, NCOC will suspend production at the Kashagan offshore and offshore facilities due to scheduled maintenance. This was reported by the company's press service, Adyrna correspondent reports.

"Scheduled and preventive repairs are one of the most important measures, and it provides for the complete cessation of production for a short period of time every few years to carry out repair work in accordance with regulatory requirements and production needs. A number of activities aimed at optimizing and further increasing the productivity and reliability of the production system, as well as the implementation of measures to ensure the integrity and safety of the production system, mandatory measures and inspections established by the regulations of the Republic of Kazakhstan and project implementation. It is planned to carry out large-scale work in excess of 2 million man-hours in 45 days, "the statement reads.

The Kashagan field is one of the largest oil fields discovered in recent decades. Its reserves are estimated at 9-13 billion barrels of oil. Commercial production at Kashagan began in the fall of 2016.
