Will there be checkpoints in Almaty?

Adyrna.kz Telegram

"Bakytzhan Sagintayev told that entry and exit to Almaty might be restricted", the national portal Adyrna reports with the reference to Kazinform.
The head of the city told that checkpoints could be set up in the city during the live broadcast of the Almaty channel Akimat LIVE. "It is up to us whether Almaty will be closed or not. If we don't take precautions, if we don't wear masks, if we don't keep our distance, if we go to weddings, we may end up in the same situation. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly observe sanitary requirements, "Bakytzhan Sagintayev said.
According to the governor, the majority of the region's population works in Almaty. “We cannot be separated from the districts around Almaty. This is because many people come from that region to work. These are not only small businesses, but also those working in the civil service. I repeat, let's keep the requirement. Otherwise, we will have to set up a checkpoint, ”the governor said.

Photo taken from an open source
National portal "Adyrna"
