More than 53 thousand marriages were registered through

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Citizen Service Centers of the country are working at their own level. One of them is the registration of the birth of a child, the appointment of social benefits for the loss of income due to pregnancy and childbirth, the appointment of benefits for the birth and care of a child under one year.

For example, in the first 8 months of this year, more than 145,000 birth certificates were issued through Kazakhstan's Citizen Service Centers, more than 267,000 young mothers received lump-sum childbirth and childcare benefits, and more than 134,000 women received maternity benefits. social benefits for loss of income.

It should be added that since the beginning of the year, more than 53 thousand couples have registered their marriages through the e-government portal

Gulvira Askar

National portal "Adyrna"

Translated by:National portal "Adyrna"

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