Egemen Kazakhstan has had the right to publish articles of the Project Syndicate project

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Egemen Kazakhstan, with the support of the Ministry of Information and Social Development, has the exclusive right to publish articles of the Project Syndicate, which develops unique content on important and topical issues in the world.

"The authors of the Project Syndicate include world-class politicians, scientists, researchers, businessmen, 45 Nobel Laureates and 111 heads of state. Project materials are published in more than 500 media outlets in 150 countries.

We will present the best articles and opinions, analyzes and reviews of columnists and experts published in Project Syndicate in the Kazakh language. Undoubtedly, this step will expand the scope of the media space in the country and increase public access to quality sources of information. The first stream of articles is published in a special page of today's issue of the newspaper.

The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1997 to 2007, Tony Blair, wrote an article on agriculture in Africa, emphasizing the importance of developing this sector on the "old continent" in order to avoid food shortages in the world. This article echoes the issues of agricultural development mentioned in this year's Address of the President Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev. The publication on the fight against the coronavirus will discuss effective ways to combat the epidemic that has shaken the world.

Natinal portal"Adyrna"

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