34 millions tenge were awarded to the best school in Syr, mayor's grant was awarded to 100 children

Adyrna.kz Telegram

Today in Syr, the regional August council was held with the participation of about 1,000 teachers, the current issues of the field of education were discussed, and the best teachers were presented on the podium.

Regional mayor Nurlybek Nalibayev, Vice Minister of Education Ghani Beysembayev, deputies of the Senate of the RK Parliament Murat Bakhtiyarovich, Akmaral Alnazarova, deputies of Maslikhat and industry veterans, school directors and teachers took part in the meeting.

Nurlybek Nalibayev said that "education is the main value, and the state always takes measures to support teachers at the appropriate level" at the teachers' council held under the theme "Educated nation: deep knowledge, hard work and patriotism".

