Azat Peruashev confirmed the arrest of his deputy

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Majilis deputy, leader of the "Ak Zhol" party Azat Peruashev expressed his opinion about the detention of the deputy chairman of the party Dmitry Vasiliev, - reported the national portal "Adyrna".

The deputy said that he learned about the arrest only yesterday.

"On September 10, we received an official response about Vasiliev's arrest. We were given the contact information of his lawyers, but we have not yet been able to contact them. We will be able to clarify the situation only after talking with those lawyers. And for now, it is not clear under what article Vasiliev was arrested." Peruashev said.

The chairman of the party said that some information was leaked from official correspondence, and in connection with this, the official of the National Guard may be accused of "taking a bribe".

"It is necessary to understand what exactly we are talking about here. According to Article 367 of the Criminal Code, a person who is forced to pay a bribe is not considered a criminal. Therefore, it is necessary to understand who initiated the giving or taking of bribes, Vasiliev, or was he a victim of extortion?" Peruashev says.

It should be noted that recently various events have been taking place regarding the "Ak Zhol" party. Recently, party chairman Azat Peruashev accused Askar Sadykov, who lost his deputy's mandate, of sexual blackmail against a woman working in the Parliament. Now his deputy was arrested. Askar Sadykov did not remain silent and expressed his opinion that "Azat Peruashev wanted to hide the information about the bribery of his deputy to the general of the National Guard and tried to direct the information to me."
