Due to the weather, highways were closed in three regions of Kazakhstan

Adyrna.kz Telegram

Highways were closed in three regions of Kazakhstan due to bad weather, the national portal "Adyrna" reported referring to RMC "Kazgidromet".

"Traffic restrictions have been introduced in three sections of roads of republican importance in three regions," the report says.

Zhambyl region: "Almaty-Tashkent-Termez" 159-238 km., Kenen village - near Kainar village (crossing the road is carried out through the old Kordai pass) - 79 km.

The restriction applies to all types of vehicles (due to wind, rain and snow, fog, reduced visibility)

West Kazakhstan region: "Samara-Shymkent" km. 266-393 km. Podstepnoe village - Zhympity village 127 km away.
