“We Saved Lives”: The Head of State Commented on the Aktau Incident

Adyrna.kz Telegram

The President expressed his views on the plane crash that occurred in Mangystau region. He noted that Kazakh citizens were among those who died, offering his condolences once again to the families and loved ones of the victims, reports Adyrna National Portal, citing Akorda.

President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev highlighted the swift and coordinated response of the emergency services during the incident.

“The consequences of the accident could have been much more severe. We prevented that. Lives were saved. Rescue efforts were carried out at a high level. All necessary information was promptly provided to the public. Comprehensive details about the incident were made available to everyone. From the very beginning, our citizens extended a helping hand to those affected. Our people demonstrated compassion, solidarity, and genuine goodwill.

People stood in line to donate blood and laid flowers at the Azerbaijani Embassy. This was widely reported by both domestic and international media. The selfless work of rescuers, doctors, and volunteers was witnessed by the whole world. In particular, neighboring and partner countries — Azerbaijan, Russia, and Kyrgyzstan — expressed their heartfelt gratitude,” the President said.

The President instructed the government to properly recognize the heroism and dedication of those involved in eliminating the consequences of the accident and to nominate distinguished individuals for state awards.

He also tasked the government commission with ensuring that foreign citizens affected by the incident receive full medical and psychological support, while emphasizing special care for the families of the deceased Kazakh citizens.

The government commission and the Prosecutor General’s Office, in coordination with other relevant authorities, were assigned to conduct a thorough and objective investigation into the plane crash.

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