External Influence Caused the Plane Crash - Azerbaijani Minister

Adyrna.kz Telegram
Фото: caliber.az
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The wreckage of the AZAL plane that crashed near Aktau, Kazakhstan, on December 25, 2024, and eyewitness accounts suggest external interference. This was announced by Azerbaijan’s Minister of Digital Development and Transport, Rashad Nabiyev, as reported by the national portal “Adyrna” citing Report.

According to the minister, following the incident, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev instructed the creation of a special commission to investigate the crash and assess the condition of the victims. The commission visited Aktau, examined the crash site, and met with Azerbaijani and other injured nationals.

Minister Nabiyev revealed that passengers and surviving crew members reported hearing an explosion while the plane was flying over Grozny.

“One crew member suffered a hand injury. Photos circulated on social media and in the media show a woman with injuries to her hands and legs. A hole was discovered in the plane’s wing, and traces of shrapnel from an explosive device were found on the fuselage. Russian nationals also reported hearing three explosions over Grozny, which they believe were external, and claimed an object struck the plane during this time,” he stated.

He added that while bird strikes were initially considered as a possible cause, preliminary analyses indicate external interference.

“The distribution of the wreckage and witness accounts support this theory. The type of weapon used will be determined during the investigation,” said the minister.

The minister also noted that the flight route had been altered to pass through Makhachkala en route to Aktau and confirmed details about the pilot’s decision for an emergency landing and the shutdown of the plane’s GPS system.

Minister Nabiyev praised the heroism of the crew.

“Their professional and courageous actions saved many lives. Azerbaijan has involved international experts in the investigation, ensuring close collaboration,” he said.

Two specialists from Embraer are already working on-site, with additional experts arriving from Brazil tomorrow.

Kazakh officials have suggested the possibility of an oxygen tank explosion, a theory reportedly provided by a dispatcher in Rostov.

“We believe this information requires thorough verification as it originates from an interested party. At the same time, external explosion sounds contradict this version,” the minister emphasized.

On December 25, an Embraer 190 plane flying from Baku to Grozny crashed near Aktau. The plane carried 62 passengers, including 37 Azerbaijani nationals, 16 Russians, six Kazakhs, three Kyrgyz citizens, and five crew members. The crash claimed 38 lives, with 29 surviving.

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