Telegram has taken its first step toward becoming a video platform, says Durov

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Telegram is set to become a video platform. On November 1, Pavel Durov announced new video-related updates for Telegram, according to the national portal “Adyrna.”

He noted that Telegram has taken its first step toward becoming a video platform. “Previously, videos in channels were displayed in their uploaded format, requiring users to download gigabytes and wait just to watch short clips. However, with today’s update, Telegram’s servers compress popular videos into multiple quality options, optimizing them for instant playback. Now, when you watch a video, Telegram automatically selects the best quality based on your connection speed,” he wrote.

Telegram’s press service provided additional details on the updates. The main changes include:

•Faster loading,

•Improved video quality and enhanced playback speed control,

•Display of the latest edit time for messages,

•Ability to attach photos and videos to sent messages,

•Increased limits for mini-apps,

•New monetization opportunities for developers, and more.
