Teacher’s Status: The President congratulated teachers

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Фото: Ақорда

The President congratulated teachers on their holiday, reports the “Adyrna” national portal, citing Akorda.

President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev extended his congratulations to the teaching community on their professional holiday and expressed gratitude to educators who are honorably fulfilling their highly responsible and sacred duties.
“At my instruction, the special law ‘On the Status of Teachers’ was adopted. This document has helped to protect the legal interests and rights of teachers. Now, the salaries of teachers and educators have significantly increased. They have been relieved of additional duties that interfere with their primary responsibilities. In accordance with this law, the title of ‘Honored Teacher of Kazakhstan’ was introduced. This is not just a title but a prestigious state award, and recipients receive a substantial monetary prize. Nationwide, 46 teachers have been awarded this honor. Additionally, teachers now receive bonuses in line with their academic qualifications. Financial support is also provided to teachers who train international Olympiad winners. The scholarships for students studying in teaching professions have increased by 2.5 times. This year, nearly 16,000 grants were allocated for training future teachers, including around 1,800 holders of the ‘Altyn Belgi’ award who chose the teaching profession. This is a very positive trend,” said the President.

The President also emphasized that educating children is the responsibility of both teachers and parents.
“The status of a teacher is always held in the highest regard. Even the greatest individuals remain students before their teachers. In short, at the root of all achievements is a teacher. The nation’s future is in the hands of teachers. My goal is to elevate teachers as the central figures in our society. Because you, by teaching children, lay the foundation for the future. You are making a great contribution to Kazakhstan becoming a developed nation. Your dedicated work deserves special respect and the highest recognition,” said the President.

At the end of the event, the President awarded a group of teachers the title of “Honored Teacher of Kazakhstan” for their outstanding achievements in education and their significant contributions to the Republic of Kazakhstan.
