«Every vote must be counted fairly!»

Adyrna.kz Telegram

In just a few days, Kazakhstan will hold a significant political event—a national referendum on the construction of a nuclear power plant. Preparations are in full swing at polling stations across the country.

According to the Central Election Commission of Kazakhstan, 177 international observers have been officially registered for this referendum. Among them are representatives from 30 foreign countries, including 4 major international organizations. In total, representatives from 30 foreign nations will participate in overseeing the national referendum.

Additionally, several independent Kazakhstani observer organizations have registered with the Central Election Commission to monitor the upcoming political event. One of these groups is led by political analyst Nurbolat Nyshanbai, called “Baqylau Qyrandary” (Observation Eagles).

“Baqylau Qyrandary” was established in early September. Training sessions for observers were held in several regions and major cities throughout the month.

“A month ago, I proposed the idea of forming an observer group on social media. My political colleagues supported the initiative, and over the past four weeks, the ‘Observation Eagles’ group was formed. Our main goal is to monitor the referendum process nationwide. Our stance is clear—every vote must be counted fairly! To ensure this, our observers will be present at polling stations across the country on the day of the referendum to ensure that legal regulations are being followed. Our representatives will remain vigilant from morning until night, fulfilling their civic duty,” Nurbolat Nyshanbai explained.
