Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter turned 100 years old

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The 39th president of the United States and Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Jimmy Carter, turned 100 today, reports the “Adyrna” national portal.

Carter was active in the 1990s and demonstrated remarkable resilience, surviving cancer and the loss of his beloved wife, Rosalynn. Born on October 1, 1924, to a farmer and a nurse, Carter rose to the highest office in the nation.

During his presidency (1977–1981), Carter actively defended human rights, fought for racial equality, strengthened relations with the People's Republic of China, and participated in peace processes in the Middle East. He and his wife, Rosalynn, became the longest-living couple in U.S. history. Rosalynn passed away in 2023 at the age of 96, after 73 years of marriage.

One of the key events of his presidency was signing an order that pardoned hundreds of thousands of soldiers who fled the Vietnam War, allowing them to return home without fear of persecution. It was also under Carter's administration that the Camp David Accords, a peace agreement between Egypt and Israel, were negotiated in 1978 and 1979.

In 1977, Carter signed a significant agreement to return the Panama Canal to Panama, a pivotal moment in his policy. The canal, which had been operated by the U.S. since 1903, was scheduled for handover in 2000.

In 1979, Carter achieved another political success by establishing official diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China. This step opened the door for active trade, economic, and military relations between Washington and Beijing.

Carter also addressed the global energy crisis by creating the Department of Energy and implementing measures to reduce energy consumption.

However, his presidency faced a major challenge in November 1979, when the U.S. embassy in Tehran was taken hostage. In response to this crisis, Carter imposed an embargo on Iranian oil, expelled Iranian diplomats, and froze Iran’s assets in the U.S.

After losing the 1980 election, Carter continued his efforts in Middle East peace negotiations and engaged in charity work with his wife, Rosalynn.

Nine years ago, at the age of 91, Carter announced in a press conference in Atlanta that he had been diagnosed with melanoma, a dangerous type of skin cancer. However, timely treatment allowed him to recover, a rare occurrence at his age.

To celebrate Carter's 100th birthday, the Fox Theatre in Atlanta hosted a star-studded tribute show featuring performances by artists like The B-52s and Chuck Leavell, with appearances by celebrities and former presidents such as Sean Penn and Barack Obama.
