"Pinta" restaurant in Almaty has banned the performance of songs in the Kazakh language

Adyrna.kz Telegram

A scandal has arisen on social networks due to the music of the restaurant chain "Pinta". "Adyrna" national portal reported that a screenshot of the message containing the speech regulations for the musical groups of the institution had been published to the public.

One of the clauses states that it is forbidden to perform songs in the Kazakh language, even if the guests demand it.

Based on the response from the restaurant's official website, the playing of Kazakh songs is not in line with the concept of the institution.

It should be noted that the founder and owner of the Pinta network is a Russian businessman Yuri Negodyuk. He also owns BAO, Tomato, Paul Café, Bankabar, Spiritbar, NYHell’sKitchen  etc. restaurants.
