Why have Kazakhstan's schoolchildren been in 69th place of the PISA ranking

Adyrna.kz Telegram

PISA is an international program of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) that determines the quality of school education. Scientists  are working to improve the quality of the program from all over the world and they are developing special tests . In 2018, students from 79 countries took part in this study. In this rating, 15-year-old Kazakhstanis took 69th place. So why did Kazakhstan show the worst result in all the years of participation? This issue was discussed  on the ADAL BILIM platform under the Ministry of Education and Science.

According to the President of the Bilim-Innovation Foundation Darkhan Ota, Kazakhstan needs an international expert who can objectively assess school education not only in Kazakhstan, but throughout the world. His research, in turn, can be useful for improving the education system and help to climb to a high place in the ranking.

“Not only we, but the whole world invests in education. Therefore, a dedicated PISA expert is needed. New states and new cities suddenly appear in the ranking. A simple example is Estonia. Once they were part of the Soviet Union together. I analyzed the stage of development of education in Estonia. They immediately gave academic freedom primarily to schools and teachers. Secondly, modern approaches to teaching were introduced at the time of independence. Thirdly, teachers' salaries were raised. In Estonia, an average teacher receives an average of 1,600 euros per month, ”said Darkhan Ote, President of the Bilim Innovation Foundation.

China, Singapore, Macau, Hong Kong, Estonia, Canada, Finland, Ireland, South Korea, Poland are in the top ten in the PISA 2018 ranking. The test is taken every three years.

Press service of the project office ADAL BILIM under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Translated by:the national portal "Adyrna"
