How to stop the flow of educated citizens going abroad?

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Talgat Narikbayev, the head of the project office "ADAL BILIM" under the Ministry of Education and Science, shared the "flow of knowledge", the main way to stop the outflow of young people abroad, according to the national portal "Adyrna".

In recent years, more than 100 thousand graduates have left the country. Among them are some talented young people, researchers, ambitious, talented new generation who will make a significant contribution to the development of Kazakhstan in the future. So why are young people flocking abroad?

          "The main reason is that the quality of life and education abroad is much higher than ours. In addition, education abroad has become more affordable every year. For example, higher education in Germany is free, and universities in other countries offer different scholarship programs. In Kazakhstan, of course, there is an opportunity to get a quality education and work experience. We know this from our students and graduates who successfully work in international companies.

 For example, some of Kazakhstan's strongest private universities do not rely on cheap grants, such as public universities. He realized that even hope was ineffective. Such universities try to strengthen the staff by attracting specialists with foreign education. For example, KAZGUU University has established contacts with the best universities in the world in order to stop the flow of smart young people abroad, and is recruiting domestic academic staff recognized as the best in the field of international education. Currently, KAZGUU has more than 100 teachers with foreign education. They studied in France, Great Britain, Germany, Switzerland, USA, Spain, China, Singapore, Cyprus, Egypt, India, Australia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Russia and Turkey.

 About half of the teachers are Bolashak graduates. Graduates of Harvard, Cambridge and Oxford think freely and creatively, meet high academic standards, and now they, in turn, have a positive impact on the minds of students. It is important to understand that in addition to foreign education, students are taught by the best professionals in their field. In the professional field, there are authoritative certification standards that objectively assess the high level of the teacher. The vast majority of KAZGUU teachers have international professional certificates such as TKT, CELTA, DELTA, CFA, ACCA, FRM, SPHRi, CIPD, IPMA, GARP, IABFM.

If we raise the level of education in Kazakhstan to the western level, strengthen the teaching staff, create a quality education system, we will stop the flow of intellectual migration. On the contrary, we will be able to attract foreign applicants to Kazakhstan, "Talgat Narikbayev said.

National portal"Adyrna"

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