The winners of FameLab Kazakhstan have been announced

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The final of the scientific and communication competition FameLab Kazakhstan was broadcast, which was attended by 10 young scientists from Kazakhstan. Eight participants are representatives of Nazarbayev University.
The winner of the competition, Nurlan Suleimenov, received a prize of 750,000 tenge and the right to represent Kazakhstan in the international competition FameLab-2020. Shokhista Ismailzhanova and Assel Akhmetova, who won the second and third prizes, received 350,000 tenge. At the choice of the audience Sh. Ismailzhanova became the best speaker and won the Kindle e-book award from the organizers of the competition.

The FameLab competition has been held since 2005 and is a world leader in scientific communication. For the fifth year in a row, the British Council with the support of Chevron is holding the FameLab competition in Kazakhstan, which was attended by more than 100 young scientists. This year's competition was supported by the popular science magazine OYLA.
The purpose of the competition is to promote science and increase interest in its study. FameLab helps to identify talented young scientists and improve their communication skills.
The jury of the final of the competition included the Deputy Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Kazakhstan Jonathan Leafield, Technical Director and Founder of Causaly Inc. Artur Saudabayev and the founder of The Village Kazakhstan Aisana Ashim.

Fund of Turkic-speaking journalists

Translated by:The national portal"Adyrna"
