The identity of the security guard who is fluent in English has been revealed

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The identity of the security guard in Turkestan who has been freely conversing with tourists in English has been revealed, reports “Adyrna,” citing

The 55-year-old Sher Talgatbekuly quickly became a star on Kaznet. The Turkestan resident has no higher education; previously, he worked as a construction worker and a driver.

“I wouldn’t say that I’ve completely learned English. I’m still learning. As for the tourists, it’s just a matter of basic necessity. When they come, naturally, they need assistance. There’s a Kazakh saying: ‘If you take forty steps from home, you’re a stranger.’ Once you’re somewhat comfortable with the language, some ask where the restroom is, and I help them out. If they’re looking for drinks, I point them in the right direction. It just goes on from there,” says Ilyas Sher.

The security guard expressed his readiness to transition to another job if good offers come his way.

“Who would hire me without a higher education? It makes sense; you need proof of qualifications. But if Allah wills, there will be opportunities. They say, ‘A person’s fate is in God’s hands.’ Why not? If I can be of service to the people, I’m ready. I’m prepared to explain history, and I hope to contribute to the growth of our nation. May our country continue to prosper and gain recognition worldwide,” he said.
