The head of state received the special representative of the president of Rwanda

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фото: Ақорданың баспасөз қызметі

The head of state Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev received the special representative of the President of Rwanda, Jean-Paul Nyurubutama, reported the national portal "Adyrna" referring to the press service of Akorda.

"Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev, expressing his respect for the special representative, sent his greetings to the President of Rwanda, Paul Kagame. The head of state expressed his gratitude for the desire of the Rwandan side to strengthen the multi-planned partnership with Kazakhstan," said the message issued on Thursday.

The President noted that there is a positive dynamic in the pace of cooperation with African countries and drew attention to the importance of further expanding the horizons of bilateral and multilateral relations with Rwanda.

In this regard, the Head of State highly appreciated the recently signed agreement between Kazakhstan and Rwanda on the exemption of holders of diplomatic and service passports from visa requirements.

Jean-Paul Nyirubutama thanked Kassym-Jomart Tokayev for his hospitality and noted that today Kazakhstan is rapidly developing politically and economically.

"Prospective directions of trade-economic and cultural-humanitarian cooperation were also discussed during the conversation," Akorda added.
