A 7-year-old boy saved his drowning friend in Astana

Adyrna.kz Telegram

In Astana, a 7-year-old boy saved his friend who was drowning, reports "Adyrna" reporter with reference to polisia.kz.

According to the city police department, 102 received a report that fishermen took a minor child out of the water on the banks of the Yesil river. A patrol car was dispatched to the place.

"It was found that the 7-year-old boy went for a walk on the coast with his friend after lunch. While playing, the children fell on the ice. At one point, the ice broke and one of the children fell into the water. The second boy saw fishermen nearby and ran to ask for help. Fishermen immediately go to help the drowning boy. They managed to pull the child out of the water and called an ambulance. Currently, the child's health is good," the report said.

Kadyr Malgazdarov, the head of the Saryarka District Police Department, expressed his gratitude to the 7-year-old Pus Darkhan, who saw his friend drowning and called the fishermen for help, and presented him with an award.
