An earthquake occurred 250 kilometers from Almaty

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An earthquake occurred 250 kilometers away from Almaty, "Adyrna" portal reported.

The earthquake was registered by the "National Scientific Center of Seismological Observations and Researches" of the Ministry of Emergencies and LLP TJM on January 24 at 07:35 Astana time.

"The epicenter of the earthquake is located 250 kilometers southeast of Almaty on the territory of Kyrgyzstan. The energy class of the earthquake is 11.3. The magnitude of the MPV is 4.9," the report said.

It was noted that there is no information about it being felt on the territory of Kazakhstan.

And before that, another tremor was registered on January 24 at 02:38 Almaty time. The epicenter of the earthquake was located 273 kilometers southeast of Almaty in the territory of China.

"Earthquake energy class - 13.3. Magnitude MPV - 5.5. Epicenter coordinates - 41.06 ° N 78.51 ° E. Depth - five kilometers. Palpation information (on the MSK-64 scale): two points in Almaty ", the department informed.
