On July 11, Almaty specialized interdistrict court on criminal cases issued a verdict on the case of seizure of the city airport during the January incident. According to the decision of the court, five defendants were deprived of their freedom, the national portal "Adyrna" reported.
Almaty specialized court on criminal cases found the defendants guilty and sentenced them as follows.
Journalist Aygerim Tileuzhanova was sentenced to 4 years in prison.
Kalas Nurpeyisov - sentenced to 8 years of imprisonment.
Nurlan Dalibaev - sentenced to 8 years of imprisonment.
Yermukhamet Shilibayev - sentenced to 8 years of imprisonment.
Zhanaidar Karmenov was sentenced to 8 years in prison.
The verdict was issued in the case of "Taking over the Almaty airport".
