Salaries of teachers of four universities in the field of culture and art have been increased, the national portal "Adyrna" writes .
The government has adopted an appropriate resolution on this. Within the framework of the implementation of the comprehensive plan for increasing the income of the People until 2025, regardless of the organizational and legal form, increase the coefficient of increase of the official salaries of professors of the higher and (or) post-higher education organizations in the field of culture and art with a special status (1 .75 to 3.5) is provided.
The resolution concerns four creative higher educational institutions: T.K. Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after Zhurgenov, Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy, Kazakh National University of Arts and Kazakh National Academy of Choreography.
The resolution applies to relations established from January 1, 2022, therefore recalculation will be carried out based on the wages of the previous months of this year.
"Adyrna" national portal