The Agency for Civil Service Affairs of the city of Almaty made a statement on the quality of services

1530 Telegram

In connection with the current situation in the city of Almaty, the Department of the Agency for Civil Service Affairs in the city of Almaty, as an authorized body for ensuring the quality of public services, announces the following.

Today, according to the register of public services, local executive bodies of the city provide 167 types of public services.

However, it has been found that to date 51 public services of local executive bodies are temporarily not available on the e-government portal.

For example, all 28 public services of the Enterprise Administration and 11 services of the Green Economy Administration are not available.

The services of the following government agencies are also not available:

Department of Education - 3 services (“Acceptance of documents and enrollment in educational organizations”, “Issue of duplicate documents on basic secondary, general secondary education” and “Acceptance of documents for organizing individual free home education for children who, for health reasons, have not been can visit organizations of primary, basic secondary, general secondary education at schools No. 80, 118, 172, 29, 98, 20, 59, 61");

