The fourth premier. A politician who openly opposes Goloshchekin

19094 Telegram

In 1915-1918, he was a school teacher in Karkaraly. In February-May 1918, he became the secretary of the Karkaraly district council of worker-peasant deputies, in 1918-1919. He was in the prison of the White Guards.

1920-1921 — Served as a member and department head of Karkaraly district revcom, district executive committee, Semey gubernia military revcom, department head of gubcom, member of Semey gubernia executive committee.

From October 1921, he became the chairman of the revolutionary tribunal, from April 11, 1923, he became the chairman of the Kazakh department of the Supreme Court of the RSFSR. His role in the formation of the Supreme Court and the provincial prosecutor's office is very important.

In 1923-1924, he was the People's Commissar of Justice. During this period, the organization of the prosecutor's office and judicial bodies, training of professional personnel, introduction of the Kazakh language into proceedings was completed. The opening of the first regional law course in Orinbor coincided with the inauguration of Nurmakov. Short-term courses were opened in Semey, Akmola, Kostanay. Working sessions were organized by them.

On July 13, 1922, at the III session of the Kirtsik, which was convened for the second time, the Rules on prosecutorial supervision and advocacy were adopted. On December 28, 1923, the decree on the main Disciplinary Council under the Kirtsik was approved.

From September to October 1925, he was the department head of the Kirobkom of the CPSU (b), from October 1924 to April 1929, he was the chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the KSSR.

Also, N. Nurmakov strongly opposed F. Goloshchekin's provocative opinion that it is necessary to make a "Little Kazan revolution" in the Kazakh steppe and his measures aimed at confiscating people's livestock. The disagreement with F. Goloshchekin ended with his resignation from the post of head of government and his sending to study at the Higher Party School under the BK(b)P OK in Moscow.

1931-1937 — Deputy Secretary of the Central Committee of the Central Committee, Head of the Department of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Central Committee of the Central Committee, served as a member of the Kazakh Regional Committee of the Central Committee of the Central Committee of the Kazakh SSR.

He was shot in 1937 and acquitted in August 1956.

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