A book about 50 women scientists who changed the world has been published in the Kazakh language

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About women who have contributed to the development of society and science, "Women in Science. 50 Women Scientists Who Changed the World ”was published in the Kazakh language. The world bestsellers were published with the support of Gaukhar Kapparova, Chair of YPO Kazakhstan.

The characters of the famous illustrated book by the famous designer Rachel Ignatowski - mathematics, cosmonautics, medicine, chemistry, physics, etc. women scientists who have made discoveries in the field of science, which have become a common heritage of mankind, who have sacrificed their lives and health in the way of science, who have overcome obstacles. Their work inspires future engineers, biologists, geneticists, mathematicians, doctors, astronomers and physicists.

“Women in Science. Gaukhar Sarsekenovna dedicates the Kazakh version of the book "50 women scientists who changed the world" to her mother, who worked hard for more than 40 years at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

Also, with the support of Kapparova, the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" is published in the Kazakh language. Entrepreneur believes that such books for children will inspire the young generation to read the world-famous works in their native language, to put themselves in the place of the characters of these books, not only to develop imagination, but also to seek knowledge, pursue dreams and conquer heights.

National portal "Adyrna"
