Every month 5 million medical masks are produced in Shymkent

Adyrna.kz Telegram

In Shymkent, 150 thousand medical masks and about 200 thousand gloves are produced per day.

LLP "Bіzhon" is one of the best enterprises in the country, which sews about 5 million medical masks per month. They are disposable and three-layer masks.

And Kazmedprom is the first medical company in Kazakhstan that produces all types of medical gloves. The production site was established in 2016. An enterprise with an area of ​​1.2 hectares is located in the southern industrial zone. Today 170-200 thousand gloves are produced here per day. Among them are sterile, non-sterile, diagnostic, natural and synthetic medical gloves.

The company employs 68 people. In the near future it is planned to manufacture gloves for industrial and household use.

These medical products are sold not only in Shymkent, but also in the markets of the country.

Shymkent city's governor's press service

Translated by: the national portal"Adyrna"
