Will quarantine be strengthened in Almaty?

Adyrna.kz Telegram


Chief Sanitary Doctor of Almaty Zhandarbek Bekshin answered the question whether a lockdown will be introduced in Almaty, Adyrna correspondent reports.

"It all depends on the epidemiological situation in the city. We explain security measures to the population. Still, there are violations. If the masked regime is maintained, if the social distance is valid, if we do not go to crowded places, then the epidemic will be stable. At present, all measures are being taken not to increase the incidence. However, many facilities are at risk. These include karaoke, bars, billiards and more. If we stop visiting such facilities, lockdown will not be introduced, ”said Zhandarbek Bekshin, the city's chief sanitary doctor.

In addition, the chief sanitary doctor of the city urged not to gather in groups, not to hold family events, advised residents not to go abroad.

"The majority of our infected people come from Turkey, the UAE and Egypt. Now we see how complicated the situation is in Russia and Turkey," he said.

According to the latest data, the number of coronavirus infections in Almaty has reached 14,539, of which 14,156 people have recovered. 275 people died.


National portal "Adyrna"
