Now monuments can be erected for individuals who contributed to independence during their lifetime

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Monuments can now be erected during the lifetime of outstanding individuals for their contributions to strengthening Kazakhstan’s independence and other exceptional achievements, reports the “Adyrna” national portal, citing the KazTAG agency.

Amendments were made to the order of the Minister of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 103 dated April 28, 2020, titled “On Approval of the Rules for Installing Monumental Art Structures.” According to the changes, a monument to an outstanding individual can only be erected at least five years after their death. However, this time restriction does not apply in cases of acts of heroism and bravery, significant contributions to strengthening the independence of the state, or participation in major historical events.

Regional administrations will fund the installation of monuments through state and non-budgetary sources. Monuments will be erected to mark the anniversaries of notable individuals or significant historical events and will be approved by a government decree. Additionally, the individual’s name must appear on the list of historical figures approved by the Republican Onomastic Commission.

Moreover, only one monument to a notable individual or historical event can be erected in a single locality.
