October 5th is World Teacher’s Day

Adyrna.kz Telegram
фото: Түркістан газеті
фото: Түркістан газеті

October 5 – Teacher’s Day, reports the “Adyrna” national portal.
Every year in our country, Teacher’s Day was celebrated on the first Sunday of October.
Starting last year, the designated date for this celebration was set to coincide with World Teacher’s Day, which is observed in more than 100 countries around the world on October 5th. Globally, Teacher’s Day was first celebrated on October 5, 1994.

The Minister of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Gani Beisembayev, congratulated Kazakhstani teachers on their professional holiday.
“Dear Teachers! Honored colleagues!
I sincerely congratulate you on our professional holiday – Teachers’ Day!
A teacher is not just a professional; they are the spiritual gardener of the younger generation, the founder of the future, and the face of the nation. The Kazakh people have always shown great respect for teachers, placing them in positions of honor.
As the brave Baurzhan Momyshuly said, ‘A teacher is not a superior, but a great service,’ highlighting the immense responsibility entrusted to teachers in educating the future of the nation. It is the teacher who lights the torch of knowledge in every student’s heart.
Today, about 600,000 educators are working in the education system. Thanks to the support of the President, great measures have been taken to raise the prestige of the teaching profession. The first and most significant step was the long-awaited law on the ‘Status of Teachers,’ which was adopted five years ago. During this time, teachers’ salaries have doubled, they have been freed from unnecessary paperwork, excessive workloads, and tasks unrelated to their duties. New incentives and opportunities have been introduced. Salaries for kindergarten educators and industry-specific college teachers have also been increased. The national project ‘Comfortable School’ aimed at improving the infrastructure and material and technical base of educational institutions to meet high standards is a clear example of the state’s recent support for the education sector. This work continues to strengthen and expand.
The great educator Ybyray Altynsarin did not say in vain, ‘The teacher is the heart of the school.’ The future of the school and the child is in your hands, dear teachers!
Your work is the foundation of our country’s bright and happy future. We devote ourselves to forming a conscious generation that respects the traditions and values of our people. After all, we are the worthy successors of the path of prominent thinkers such as Al-Farabi, Abai, Ybyray Altynsarin, Akhmet Baitursynuly, Magzhan Zhumabayev, and Zhusupbek Aimauytov, as well as respected figures like Kanysh Nurgaliev, Kalizhan Aytkaliyev, Khalima Bitiyeva, Roza Nurtazina, and Mayra Tasova, who have earned the nation’s admiration. We must also continue the legacy of Labor Heroes like Ayagul Mirazova, Alina Solovieva, and Alma Shukizhanova.
Dear teachers! Dear colleagues! I congratulate you on our professional holiday! I express my sincere gratitude for your tireless work and dedication to your profession. Thanks to you, our students raise our national flag in victory at various international educational competitions. The world highly values the intellectual potential of our country’s younger generation. Just this year alone, our students have won 58 gold medals, becoming three-time world champions in robotics and two-time world champions in chemistry. I wish you good health, boundless energy, success in your work, and to reach new heights of recognition!” the minister said in his congratulatory message.
