Agreed to live together. A man who raped a young girl was convicted

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A verdict has been issued against a man who raped a minor girl, the national portal "Adyrna" reported.

The case of a 51-year-old man was considered in the specialized inter-district court on criminal cases of Pavlodar region.

He raped a minor girl in July 2023. According to the investigation, the underage girl had an internship in one of the cafes in Pavlodar. At that moment, she met a man who works as a cook in a cafe.

The man talked to the girl through social networks and later offered to live with the girl. The girl accepted the offer to live with an adult. Both of them spread the table and drank alcohol. Later, when the victim tried to sleep, the man raped her.

The judge of the specialized inter-district court on criminal cases confirmed that the girl was raped.

"The victim's friends said that he was raped and asked for help, they saw his messages on his mobile phone. The defendant's guilt was proven by the testimony of the victim, witnesses, the conclusions of the forensic examination and other evidence examined in the court," noted Kudabai Sultanov, judge of the specialized interdistrict court for criminal cases.

However, during the trial, the 51-year-old man pleaded not guilty. According to the defendant, he did not know that the girl was a minor.

A 51-year-old man was found guilty of committing the crime provided for in Article 120, Part 3-1 of the Criminal Code, and was sentenced to 15 years in prison.
