Lands related to Ablyazov's company were returned to the state

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Zhambyl Region Court Board on Civil Affairs found it illegal to pledge the land plots of the residents of Kordai District to "BTA Bank" and issued a decision to return the land to the residents. This was stated by the press service of the Supreme Court, "Adyrna" correspondent reported.

In 2006, on the basis of the credit agreement between "BTA Bank" and "Kazexim" LLP, 16 land plots with a total area of more than 14 thousand hectares were pledged to the bank to secure the debt of "Kazexim" LLP. The land users learned about the loan agreement and the pledge of land plots in September 2010.

In 2010 and 2017, the general director of "Kazexim" LLP, MK Ablyazov and other members of the organized group were convicted. A significant amount of material damage was recovered from them for the benefit of the Bank.

"In 2011, the prosecutor of Zhambyl region filed a lawsuit in the interest of JSC "BTA Bank" due to non-fulfillment of obligations regarding debt repayment. By the decision of the court in 2011, a debt of more than 3 billion tenge was recovered from "Kazexim" LLP in favor of the bank by way of recovery from the property of the defendants. In September 2016, the executive proceedings of the JSO were initiated, and enforcement actions were taken to recover the mortgaged property of "Kazexim" LLP. In 2018, an auction was conducted, and as a result, 5 plots of land were sold. The court decision of 2018 was illegal. came to a decision because he found out that the land plots were illegally transferred to "Kazeksim" LLP, and therefore found that the land plots should be returned to the residents of the Kordai district," the report said.
