The Minister said when he would send the proposal to Bektenov in connection with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications

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After today's meeting of the Government, the Minister of Health Akmaral Alnazarova answered the questions related to the system of medical care, the national portal "Adyrna" reported.
"Basically, the president has criticized the system of medical care and the medical sector. We have accepted all of them and conducted appropriate examinations in the last three weeks. We have studied why the medical care system and the health care system are not able to provide medical care to citizens at their level. we are preparing.

Among them, it is necessary to change some things within the framework of the law. This is because the state-guaranteed medical care and the medical care provided through the МАМС system are interfering. Because of this, there are incomprehensible problems among the population and even among medical workers. This situation leads to inefficient use of allocated funds. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the system of МАМС.
Currently, we have started the relevant works. The reason is that the system of МАМС is a system that has benefited the state in international practice. That is why we need this system. But in practice, some parts should be corrected. We will present to the head of the government the concept of changing the system of МАМС until March 11. "The main goal is to provide quality medical services available to the people," said the minister.
