Astana administration announced that it has started buying trains for LRT

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Sputnik / Владислав Воднев
Sputnik / Владислав Воднев

Mayor of Astana Zhenis Kasymbek declared that the construction of LRT is going on rapidly and said that the agency has started the purchase of wagons for LRT, reports the national portal "Adyrna".
"This year we plan to complete the part of the overpass, that is, the concrete work, the overpass will be raised. Next year will be spent on the completion of the upper construction, that is, the rails, and also this year, part of the stations will be practically completed. In addition, today we are working on ordering trains and equipment. ", said city akim Zhenis Kasymbek

It should be noted that on June 30, 2023, it was announced that 50 billion tenge were allocated for the continuation of the construction of the LRT in Astana.
