Two Kazakh girls were freed from slavery in Thailand

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Two Kazakh girls were rescued from slavery in Thailand. This was announced by the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Aibek Smadiyarov, the national portal "Adyrna" reported.

At the briefing held in Astana, he explained the circumstances of the case. As it turned out, the girls were tricked into a job vacancy in a secret call center. They were trying to hire me because they knew several languages. But when they went,  the girls were enslaved . They demanded about 10 thousand dollars.

"At the end of January this year, a message was received on the WhatsApp number of the consulate in Thailand. It says "I am a citizen of Kazakhstan. I don't know which country it is, I am enslaved in the jungle, please help." We immediately started to find out. In this case, two of our citizens fell into slavery. The most interesting thing is that both of them have higher education and they know several languages. They saw the message on the Internet and they were deceived. Each person asked for 10,000 dollars per head. Working with local authorities, two citizens were saved in one month. Currently, they are coming to the country," said Aibek Smadiyarov, the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

It is said that those who kept the girls as slaves were saved without giving a single tenge.
